Use the Pencil tool with a Triangle In shape and free hand a couple lines like I have below. Just use the Pen tool with a Triangle In shape to draw a very slightly curved line. I’m just going to use a little “draw a black triangle” hack. When you start trying to make tapered lines meet up at other places, they can sometimes leave little gaps. Also, notice that the bottom of my petal line doesn’t meet up with the bottom very well. Just use the Pen tool with a Triangle In shape and draw a curved line. I also colored the top circle the same red.įinally, I want to add a little petal detail here.

Then just place the colored section behind the tapered line. A quick trick to do this is to duplicate the tapered line, head to Path > Remove Path Effect, and then fill your new section with a color. Now we want to add some color, but you’ll quickly notice that you can’t simply fill tapered lines. While we still have the Nodes tool out, let’s just slightly bend some of the top parts to make it looks more natural. Next, grab the Nodes tool move/smooth things out to create that flower shape. Then just draw a cone shape like I have below. To start creating the flower base, let’s grab the Pen tool and change the Shape to Triangle Out. Since we copied that ellipse, it’s shape will now be stretched along the spiral.Īfter I removed the stroke, added some fill, and adjusted the stroke width, I ended up with something like this. Select the spiral, add a Pattern Along Path effect, and finally click Paste path for the pattern source. Now, it’s time to open up the Path > Path Effect Editor. To start this, just draw a flat ellipse somewhere on your canvas. To give this rose some more character, I want to use tapered lines.